On June 21 2022, you provided an update on UK Financial Ltd announcing that it had received a Multi-Million Dollar line of credi

08 Dec 2022, 22:31
On June 21 2022, you provided an update on UK Financial Ltd announcing that it had received a Multi-Million Dollar line of credit with Trustfinco Banking Institution using only Maya Preferred (MAYP) tokens as collateral. UK Financial Ltd. transferred $200 million dollars (approximately 12,000 MAYP Tokens) worth of Maya Preferred (MAYP) Tokens into Trustfinco Banking Institution’s secured cryptocurrency wallet. Can you please provide investors with clarity on:- Yes, we transferred the coins into a secured wallet that can only be used as collateral. We have access to the money when needed. As long as we pay the money back, the coins stay in the wallet. The company is currently not using the funds nor touching the credit line because we are working with several banks interested in giving us an investment that does not have to be paid back. All these investments would not affect the float of Maya Preferred. 1. Was the transferred value of $200 Million dollars (approximately 12,000 MAYP Tokens) the value at that time of the investors locked tokens for the retirement plan? The value of the tokens was based on the day of the agreement. 2. On 24th November 2022 you advised that there are three banks working together to complete the retirement plan. Can you please provide a status update on:- The banks that are involved have made us sign non-disclosure agreements that we cannot talk about until the deals until executed. These deals are going to put the retirement plan on the map. Please do not take silence as a sign of weakness, it should be the other way around. We are not out there pumping our coin nor hiring public relations people to buy coins, instead we are being quiet and letting the coin do what it has to do and execute our business plan. a) Is Trustfinco Banking still working on the retirement plan? Again the deal is a credit line that we are not using unless absolutely necessary. As of right now, the company does not need a credit line as the company has enough cash to operate on its own. We are in the process of receiving a huge investment in the company which will start the retirement plan immediately. b) What are the names of the other banks and what is their involvement with the project? In addition, did you have to provide additional MAYP tokens as collateral to these other banks as well? As far as names of the banks, we are not allowed to disclose them at this point. But I will answer that the coins we do pledge will never be sold into the market but only leveraged to the bank as value. It means that if one Maya Preferred is valued at $100,000, the bank will use that $100,000 token as collateral to other banks and in return give us a fee every month for using our token. We will then use that money to pay the investors of the retirement plan. c) It has been four years and still no end in sight for the investors. Can you please advise what issues are preventing the finalization of the retirement plan? Yes, it has been four years but we are doing something that no other company has ever done before. We plan on setting the stage for our next round of the retirement plan. The only thing stopping us now is enough money to start the project and we are in the process of getting that handled. d) Please provide the investors with an idea of any deadlines that have been put in place for commencement of the retirement plan? There is no deadline. It took Bitcoin 13 years to become a noted token. What does Bitcoin give you? Absolutely nothing, but our company is going to give you an income for the rest of your life when we execute this plan, and that is why we are working night and day to execute it. We want everyone to know that no insiders have ever sold any coins. That's the reason why the coin can stay so high in value. When you buy a coin of Maya Preferred, you're buying a coin that is not going to be diluted. Thank you, James Dahlke